About Opossums

In my opinion, Virginia Opossums are one of the most misunderstood mammals.

Here’s some fun facts!

The Virginia Opossum was the first ever wild animal our rescue took in and is the most rehabbed animal at our facility :)

They have short life spans ranging from 2-4 years old.

They’re natures clean up crew.

They have a gestation period of only 13 days.

They are the size of a jelly bean at birth and their eyes don’t open until about two months old.

They are North Americas only Marsupial. (They carry their young in a pouch. Same as a Kangaroo!)

Their body temperatures are so low that it’s almost impossible for the Rabies Virus to survive.

They can withstand Snake Venom.

& although not recommended, they have the most boop-able nose :)

Baby Opossums are referred to as Joeys.

If you find a Joey - save the baby! Mamas will not return for them. They have large litters, usually of 10 joeys, and will sadly not notice if one falls off. Mama Opossums carry and nurse their babies in her pouch but as they outgrow the pouch, they will start clinging to her back and sides as she moves about her day. Therefore it is common for Opossum babies to fall off and become orphaned.

These Opossums are Hansel & Gretal <3

They came to us in 2023 and were successfully released to live their free and wild lives after being rescued as orphaned infants.


Found a Fawn?


All About the Oinkers